Visceral Osteopathy
Visceral Osteopathy is an expansion of the general principles of osteopathy which includes a special understanding of the organs, blood vessels and nerves of the body (the viscera). Visceral Osteopathy relieves imbalances and restrictions in the interconnections between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. Jean-Piere Barral RPT, DO built on the principles of Andrew Taylor Still DO and William Garner Sutherland DO, to create this method of detailed assessment and highly specific manipulation. Those who wish to practice Visceral Osteopathy train intensively through a series of post-graduate studies. The ability to address the specific visceral causes of somatic dysfunction allows the practitioner to address such conditions as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel (IBS), and even infertility caused by mechanical restriction.
Visceral Osteopathy is Useful For:
- Swallowing difficulties
- Digestive problems
- Headaches
- Incontinence
- Back and neck pain
- Shoulder and hip pain
- Carpal tunnel and other repetitive strain injuries
- Whiplash and other physical trauma
- And many other conditions